Thursday, February 25, 2016

Problems and Pause Menus

This week was an interesting one. I was tasked to make a pause menu. So far I had only edited existing menus, not made one from scratch, so it proved to be a fun application of what I had learned. The pause menu itself wasn't too difficult, but the logic to get it working and switch between menus was new ground. I was able to get it in and working as intended, but getting it to return the game to the main menu proved to be much more difficult. Not only that, but my second task interfered with this one, causing myself and my team mates to lose valuable time.

Now, my second task was to move one of the blueprint functions on out fretboard to the C++ class. I picked it up fairly quickly, but ran into trouble finding out how to retrieve the target enemy. After I was pointed into the right direction, I set about making the needed function to use it in the fretboard. It was at this time I was asked to make the pause menu return to the main menu instead of closing the game when you hit the quit button. Not seeing any errors in my build, I commented out the changes just in case and committed the build so I could pull the changes our designers made before changing the pause menu logic. I thought I had it figured out and went to build, only to run into a very vague and useless error message. Somehow during my commit or the merge, I'm still not sure which, this very nasty bug appeared. It completely broke the build for myself and others. We spent a couple hours trying to fix it, each of us who were effected testing where it could have appeared and possible solutions. Kyle was the one to finally figure it out and fix the issue, but by then the damage was done and we all lost a lot of valuable work time. Neither of my tasks were able to be completed for the new build, putting us behind when we are already trying to pull it all together in the C++ classes.

Fortunately there should not be much left to either task, so they can be completed quickly barring unforeseen issues. I'll have to work harder this coming week, and hopefully we will be ready to move onto new content by the end of next week.

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