Saturday, March 26, 2016

Back to Business

After a week long break, the team is back in action and ready to finish up strong in the coming weeks. This week was lighter on work as everyone gets back to normal after our week long break.

I was at a bit of a loss for work this week, so I decided to finally officially tackle a task the team has talked about a lot but never committed to, alternate controls. Starting with keyboard controls, my main goal is to get multiple sets of controls working nicely together and be able to toggle which ones you would like to use. I will continue making bug fixes as well since that is the bulk of what we need to finish in the game as we go into feature lock at the end of next week.

The keyboard controls themselves are pretty simple but also flavorful. 1-5 on the keyboard correspond to the order of the colors on the fret bar. The arrow keys are how you target enemies. There is no button for strumming, simply hitting the correct note will also simulate the strumming on the guitar controller. Having a strum button was just too clunky. Now, the flavorful part of this, is due to the location of the buttons on most keyboards, you can actually pick up your keyboard if possible, and hold it like a guitar to play the game. A nice little touch that matches the nature of our game, but it's not at all required and a player can just play like normal.

Going forward I want to make a toggle system so only one set of controls is active at one time. Then I will look in to making a set of controls for use with a Xbox or Playstation controller. Finally, time permitting I will try to create a keybind system for the player to customize the alternate controls if they don;;t like them.

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