Sunday, March 6, 2016

Change in Direction

This week has been much more productive than those previous. I finally cracked the problem of a function I've been working on the past couple weeks. I stumbled a bit with forward declarations because I've rarely used them in previous projects. I usually just avoid situations were they are needed. I worked my way through it though and came to a working solution.

Then there are the quirks of Unreal. Unreal is not very consistent with how you access member variables, with some being behind a get function while others are just free to call directly. In blueprints these all look the same, further increasing my confusion. Once I figured them out though it was easy to slot all the pieces in where they belong.

I then moved on to the next unclaimed function that needed to be moved over to C++ from blueprints. Using my new found knowledge, this was much easier to go about and I completed it in short order, which the code necessary to expand it's functionality commented out until the necessary class was also moved into C++.

However, after all this was done, we have decided to scrap the C++ re-write. The team realized it would be a constant uphill battle to not only move over the current code base, but also keep up with the new features. It is better for everyone to go forward with what we have, optimize the game in other ways, and stick to blueprints and scripting.

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