Thursday, March 10, 2016

Bug Fixing Round One

This week was a big change in direction. As I mentioned in my previous post, the team has decided to abandon the C++ port. It was taking too long and we were getting too far behind on the new features. Every one working on it was reassigned, and I moved to bug fixes.

I focused on one main bug, the Skizzard spell disappearing if any enemy was killed in a pack. I was happy to be working in blueprints again, so I started by looking through the enemy ones to find where the state changes happen. Finding the spot, I went through and setup a conditional statement to check if the creature that died was a Skizzard if it's spell was active. As I went to test, I discovered a completely different bug. Sometime earlier in the week a targeting bug had been introduced and it was impossible to actually beat the Skizzard and test the changes. This bug was given to a different team member to fix.

The other bug I looked into was the random game crash. It only seems to happen when playing on medium and restarting after you play through the level once. I looked through the blueprints to see if I could find the culprit, but I'm still not sure what could be causing it. Unfortunately I wasn't able to test any potential fixes because of the Skizzard bug, but looking them over they wouldn't have had the intended effect anyway.

I also looked into adding keyboard controls so I could test the game without needing access to the peripherals. The Guitar portions work as intended, but I didn't get the dance pad controls to work yet. I think it has something to do with the fact that the dance pad is considered player two. I'll have to get it to recognize my keyboard presses somehow or just turn off targeting when the dance pad is not connected.

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