Saturday, April 9, 2016

Menu Bugs and Kiosk Mode

With controls mostly done, it was time to work on my next feature, kiosk mode. We wanted the game to play a video from the main menu if you idled for too long, and if you idled in a game menu it would return you to the main menu.

The pause menu portion was surprisingly easy. However, I did need to create my own timer system since the one present in Unreal does not run when the game is paused. The tough part was running a video from the main menu. Unreal barely supports videos in 4.10, but there was enough present to make it work to what we needed. By turning a video into a texture and applying that texture to a material, you can create a menu widget with an image displaying the video. Then you play the video's sound file in time with the material. This has it's own host of problems associated with it and getting them synced, but it works most of the time. It's the best in engine option currently available though.

The rest of my time was spent on bug fixes. The game had been plagued by a bug for a long time now, where if you used the guitar and returned to the main menu, choosing the medium difficulty would close the game. It turns out that there was no bug breaking the game, but somehow a second version of the main menu was being created. For some reason the guitar controller was hitting both the difficulty button and the quit button on the second menu, causing the game to close. I removed the second menu, fixing that strange bug. 

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