Monday, April 25, 2016

The Home Stretch

It was the last week of development. More polish was necessary and the designers wanted a couple additions added for clarity.

The one problem the game has had for the longest time, is that when using a controller or the arrow keys on a game menu, you only had this tiny dashed border to figure out which button was currently selected. We had previously tried to fix it by making the buttons swap out for a different color version when selected, but it wasn't working. Instead, I made an invisible image next to each button that revealed itself when the button was selected. This worked perfectly and game the game a little more flavor.

I also finally figured out the puzzle of making the video quit out by pressing any key. It was such a simple solution, I was kicking myself for not finding it sooner.

PAX was also this weekend, and while we did not bring the game to PAX many of the members attended the convention, myself included. We ended up putting a build lock on the game before the convention since half the team would not be available over the weekend and our build was due the day after. The whole team did a fantastic job and we are all happy with where the game ended up going into the weekend.

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